Thursday, November 8, 2012

Onward and foreword. My first job was at a small bicycle shop in Chicago called Roberts Cycles run by a Richard Bono.

I got my introduction to building bicycles early . The educations was a good one and latter it was reinforced with a long list of engineering skills as well as  welding brazing cad mill metal and composite materiel work.

But i have always like ed the hands on approach of making something with my own two hands. I was never intimidated by the mills and CNC's i worked or the welders I had to use in my R&D career but i absolutist hated that that all this equipment say for the CNC / CNC router will set you back a few bucks and takes up space like no ones  business.

So when i saw a Bamboo bike at a show  and rode one i was hooked. Considering that it can be built with come simple saws, and some rotary grinders, a gig , carbon fiber tow and epoxy and you have a bike.

Time to apply the Engineering education.

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