Saturday, November 3, 2012

I realize that we live in an amazing free country and we have freedom to think and freedom to say what we feel. With all freedom one needs to learn restraint and before one grabs the keyboard and type up comments about a subject thy know little if nothing about.

I have read my last comet about the Renovo wood bicycle and Ken Wheeler the designer and engineer. Ken took a material and created a an amazing product. And just because you don't understand how the material can be turned into a product that dose not make it necessary to instantly croquette and make un educated comets.

Wood happens to be the original fiber compost materiel even before Fiberglass, Kevlar and Carboniferous and unlike the exotic materials listed wood is cheep and so easy to work with. No expensive tools no dangerous welding, just saws files, glue and some gigging. OK if you want to go like the Renovo exotica wood you can go to the CNC router but even that is quire cheep today about 5K.

People like Ken keeps me believing that there are still people in the world able to think outside the box.

Interesting though that the Renovo is designed to utilize nodes just like Bamboo does naturally so why not just use bamboo?

Like all materials Bamboo has its "character" that has to be overcume however  with a bit of thinking and Bamboo can be just as good if not better. Good to remember all materials need to be engineered.  As I learned vary well when I developed the Compost Skin On Frame Kayak. The prototype of which is nearing completion

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